Plant Science News

Dataset for Detecting Small Onions and Flowering Plants
calendar 25th July, 2024 | Jenn Hoskins

Dataset for Detecting Small Onions and Flowering Plants

A new dataset from Universidad EAFIT offers high-res aerial images to detect green onion and foliage flower crops, enhancing precision agriculture. This tech-driven approach aims to support small farmers, improve crop monitoring, and boost food security.

Most Plant Mutations Are Specific to Certain Layers
calendar 25th July, 2024 | Jim Crocker

Most Plant Mutations Are Specific to Certain Layers

Researchers at LMU Munich have uncovered how mutations in plant meristems—regions with stem cells—spread and lead to observable changes. Their study highlights the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms behind somaclonal variation, enhancing our understanding of plant development.

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