Antibiotic Feeding Alters Bacterial Community and Pesticide Tolerance in Pests

Greg Howard
24th July, 2024

Antibiotic Feeding Alters Bacterial Community and Pesticide Tolerance in Pests

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study by the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences focused on Chilo suppressalis, a major pest of rice crops in China
  • Certain gut bacteria in Chilo suppressalis help the pest survive pesticide exposure
  • Insects with these bacteria showed higher survival rates and increased detoxification enzyme activity when exposed to pesticides
The widespread use of chemical pesticides to control agricultural pests has led to a significant problem: pesticide tolerance. This phenomenon has become a major concern for farmers and scientists alike, as pests that develop resistance can cause substantial damage to crops and reduce agricultural productivity. Recent research by the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences has investigated the potential role of microorganisms in the pesticide tolerance of Chilo suppressalis, a major pest of rice crops[1]. Pesticide resistance in pest species is not a new issue. Historically, it has been attributed to various mechanisms, including genetic changes in pests, such as the alteration of drug target sites, up-regulation of degrading enzymes, and enhancement of drug excretion[2]. These adaptations enable pests to survive pesticide applications that would otherwise be lethal. For instance, pests may develop metabolic resistance through the overexpression of detoxifying enzymes like esterases, Glutathione S-transferase, and Cytochromes p450 monooxygenase, which break down pesticides into less harmful substances[2]. In addition to these well-known mechanisms, recent studies have highlighted the role of symbiotic bacteria in conferring pesticide resistance to their insect hosts. For example, research on the bean bug Riptortus pedestris revealed that gut bacteria of the genus Burkholderia can degrade the pesticide fenitrothion, providing immediate resistance to the host insects[3]. Similarly, another study found that the secondary symbiont Hamiltonella defensa in wheat aphids increased the insects' tolerance to various insecticides by boosting the activity of detoxification enzymes[4]. Building on these findings, the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences conducted a study to explore the role of microorganisms in the pesticide tolerance of Chilo suppressalis. This research aimed to identify whether symbiotic bacteria could be contributing to the pest's resistance to pesticides, thereby complicating control efforts. The study involved collecting Chilo suppressalis specimens and analyzing their gut microbiota to identify any symbiotic bacteria present. The researchers then exposed the insects to various pesticides and monitored the survival rates and changes in the microbial communities within the insects' guts. They also measured the activity levels of detoxification enzymes in the insects to determine whether the presence of specific bacteria correlated with increased enzyme activity. The results of the study revealed that certain symbiotic bacteria within the gut of Chilo suppressalis did indeed play a role in pesticide tolerance. Insects harboring these bacteria exhibited higher survival rates when exposed to pesticides compared to those without the bacteria. Additionally, the presence of these bacteria was associated with increased activity of detoxification enzymes, suggesting that the bacteria might be enhancing the insects' ability to break down and neutralize pesticides. These findings are significant because they provide a new perspective on the mechanisms of pesticide resistance in agricultural pests. While traditional approaches to managing pesticide resistance have focused on genetic and biochemical adaptations within the pests themselves, this study highlights the importance of considering the role of symbiotic microorganisms. By understanding how these bacteria contribute to pesticide tolerance, scientists can develop more effective strategies for managing resistant pest populations. For instance, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, which aim to reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides by combining biological, cultural, and mechanical control methods, could be enhanced by targeting the symbiotic bacteria that confer resistance[2]. By disrupting the relationship between pests and their symbiotic bacteria, it may be possible to reduce the pests' ability to tolerate pesticides and improve the efficacy of control measures. In conclusion, the research conducted by the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences sheds light on the complex interactions between pests and their symbiotic bacteria, revealing a previously underappreciated mechanism of pesticide resistance in Chilo suppressalis. This study, along with earlier findings on other pest species, underscores the need for a holistic approach to pest management that takes into account the role of microorganisms in resistance development. By integrating this knowledge into pest control strategies, we can better address the challenge of pesticide resistance and protect agricultural productivity.

BiotechAnimal Science


Main Study

1) Antibiotic feeding changes the bacterial community of Chilo suppressalis and thereby affects its pesticide tolerance

Published 23rd July, 2024

Related Studies

2) Insights into insecticide-resistance mechanisms in invasive species: Challenges and control strategies.

3) Symbiont-mediated insecticide resistance.

4) Reduced insecticide susceptibility of the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi after infection by the secondary bacterial symbiont Hamiltonella defensa.

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