Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushroom Extract on Health and Growth in Fish

Greg Howard
7th September, 2024

Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushroom Extract on Health and Growth in Fish

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study by Naresuan University found that Hericium erinaceus extract (HE) helps Nile tilapia utilize protein more efficiently, especially at 0.1 and 1.0 g/kg doses
  • HE supplementation improved hematological parameters, such as red and white blood cell counts, indicating better overall fish health
  • Fish fed with HE showed reduced stress markers and enhanced immune gene expression, leading to higher survival rates against bacterial infections
The use of herbal extracts to enhance the immune systems of aquatic species has gained traction as an alternative to antibiotics. A recent study conducted by Naresuan University focused on the effects of Hericium erinaceus extract (HE) on Nile tilapia, examining growth, feed utilization, hematology, gene expression related to immunity, and immune responses against Streptococcus agalactiae infection[1]. This study is timely, given the growing need for sustainable and effective alternatives to antibiotics in aquaculture. The study involved 240 Nile tilapia with an average body weight of 17.28 ± 0.01 g, divided into groups and fed diets enriched with varying levels of HE: 0 (HE0), 0.1 (HE0.1), 1.0 (HE1.0), and 5.0 (HE5.0) g/kg. The researchers aimed to determine the optimal HE dosage for improving the health and immunity of the fish. The results indicated that growth parameters, feed conversion ratio, and organosomatic indexes were not significantly affected by HE supplementation. However, fish fed with HE0.1 and HE1.0 showed increased protein efficiency ratio and protein productive values, indicating better protein utilization. Additionally, these groups exhibited a significant increase in whole-body protein content, suggesting that HE aids in more efficient protein metabolism. Hematological parameters such as red blood cell, white blood cell, and hematocrit levels were positively influenced by HE supplementation, with both linear and quadratic improvements observed. This is consistent with findings from previous studies where dietary supplements like Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (GBL) and beta-1, 3 glucan also showed improvements in hematological parameters and immune responses in fish[2][3]. One of the critical findings of this study was the reduction in stress markers. Serum glucose and cortisol levels, which are indicators of stress, were significantly decreased in HE-fed fish. This aligns with earlier research that highlighted the detrimental effects of stress on fish health and the importance of managing stress to maintain homeostasis[4]. The reduction in stress markers suggests that HE supplementation helps in mitigating the physiological stress responses in Nile tilapia. The study also found that HE supplementation significantly upregulated the expression of immunity-related genes such as tnf-α, il-1β, il-6, and il-10, particularly in the HE0.1 and HE1.0 groups. These genes play crucial roles in the immune response, and their upregulation indicates enhanced immune function. This finding is supported by previous research showing that herbal extracts can boost immune-related gene expression in fish[2][5]. Moreover, the study revealed a significant decrease in the expression of hsp70cb1, a stress-related gene, across all HE-supplemented groups. This further underscores the stress-reducing benefits of HE. After 10 weeks of dietary HE supplementation, the fish were challenged with a pathogenic S. agalactiae infection. The survival rates were notably high in all HE groups, with the highest survival observed in the HE1.0 and HE5.0 groups. This indicates that HE not only boosts the immune system but also enhances the fish's resistance to bacterial infections. In summary, the study by Naresuan University demonstrates that dietary supplementation with Hericium erinaceus extract at 1 g/kg (HE1.0) provides the most significant benefits in terms of immunity, stress reduction, and survival against pathogenic infections in Nile tilapia. These findings are in line with prior research on the benefits of herbal extracts in aquaculture, suggesting that HE can be a valuable addition to fish diets to promote health and reduce reliance on antibiotics[2][3][4][5].

NutritionGeneticsAnimal Science


Main Study

1) Effects of dietary Hericium erinaceus extract on growth, nutrient utilization, hematology, expression of genes related immunity response, and disease resistance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).

Published 6th September, 2024

Related Studies

2) Ginkgo biloba leaf extract improves growth, intestinal histomorphometry, immunity, antioxidant status and modulates transcription of cytokine genes in hapa-reared Oreochromis niloticus.

3) Effects of dietary beta-1, 3 glucan on innate immune response of large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea.

Journal: Fish & shellfish immunology, Issue: Vol 22, Issue 4, Apr 2007

4) Stress in fishes: a diversity of responses with particular reference to changes in circulating corticosteroids.

5) Modulatory effects of laurel-leaf cistus (Cistus laurifolius) ethanolic extract on innate immune responses and disease resistance in common carp (Cyprinus carpio).

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