Evolution News

Life History of Tropical Tree-Dwelling Ants
calendar 28th June, 2024 | Greg Howard

Life History of Tropical Tree-Dwelling Ants

Researchers at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México used genetic tools to study turtle ant colonies, revealing nest site persistence of 2-6 years and varying queen numbers. This study enhances our understanding of arboreal ant social structures and spatial dynamics.

Dads Care More for Early-Developing Embryos in Treefrogs
calendar 20th June, 2024 | Jenn Hoskins

Dads Care More for Early-Developing Embryos in Treefrogs

Researchers at Tunghai University found that male Kurixalus eiffingeri treefrogs provide more care to younger embryos, supporting the harm to offspring hypothesis. Younger embryos are more vulnerable to predators, prompting increased parental investment.

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