Unique Features of Common and Uncommon DNA Segments in Euglena Cells

Jim Crocker
14th June, 2024

Unique Features of Common and Uncommon DNA Segments in Euglena Cells

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study, conducted by Chengdu Medical College, focused on the nuclear introns in Euglena gracilis (E. gracilis), a single-celled organism
  • Researchers identified over 28,000 introns in E. gracilis, including conventional GT-AG introns and non-conventional introns
  • The study also discovered 11,921 trans-spliced outrons, highlighting the complexity of RNA splicing in E. gracilis
Nuclear introns play a crucial role in the processing of precursor messenger RNA (pre-mRNA), which is essential for producing mature mRNA molecules that can be translated into proteins. Despite their importance, nuclear introns in Euglenida, a group of single-celled organisms, have been understudied. A recent study conducted by Chengdu Medical College aimed to fill this gap by investigating the nuclear introns in Euglena gracilis (E. gracilis), a member of the Euglenida group[1]. The study identified a large number of introns in E. gracilis, including both cis-spliced conventional and non-conventional introns, as well as trans-spliced outrons. To understand the significance of these findings, it's essential to delve into the mechanisms of RNA splicing. Splicing involves the removal of introns (non-coding regions) and the joining of exons (coding regions) to form a continuous coding sequence. This process is mediated by the spliceosome, a complex and dynamic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex[2][3]. The spliceosome is composed of five small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and numerous proteins, which work together to ensure the accurate and flexible splicing of pre-mRNA. The spliceosome's dynamic nature, involving intricate RNA-RNA and RNP networks, aligns the reactive groups of the pre-mRNA for catalysis[2]. Recent structural studies have revealed that the spliceosome is a protein-orchestrated metalloribozyme, with conserved elements of small nuclear RNA (snRNA) constituting the splicing active site[3]. In addition to conventional cis-splicing, where introns are removed from a single pre-mRNA molecule, trans-splicing can also occur. Trans-splicing involves the joining of portions of two separate pre-mRNA molecules. There are two main types of trans-splicing: genic trans-splicing, which joins exons of different pre-mRNA transcripts, and spliced leader (SL) trans-splicing, which involves an exon donated from a specialized SL RNA. Both types of trans-splicing depend on similar signals and components as cis-splicing[4]. The recent study by Chengdu Medical College builds on these earlier findings by examining the sequence characteristics of the introns in E. gracilis. The identification of both conventional and non-conventional introns, as well as trans-spliced outrons, highlights the complexity of RNA splicing in Euglenida. This complexity is further emphasized by previous research showing that several Euglenoid species undergo trans-splicing, with SL-RNA genes being transferred to the 5' extremities of mRNAs[5]. The study's findings provide valuable insights into the diversity of splicing mechanisms in Euglenida, which may have implications for understanding the evolutionary origins of these processes. The presence of non-conventional introns and trans-spliced outrons in E. gracilis suggests that these organisms have evolved unique splicing mechanisms that may differ from those observed in other eukaryotes. In conclusion, the study conducted by Chengdu Medical College significantly advances our understanding of nuclear introns in Euglenida, particularly in E. gracilis. By identifying a large number of introns, including cis-spliced conventional and non-conventional introns, as well as trans-spliced outrons, the study sheds light on the complexity and diversity of RNA splicing in these organisms. This research builds on previous findings[2][3][4][5] and opens new avenues for exploring the evolutionary origins and functional significance of splicing mechanisms in Euglenida.



Main Study

1) Unique features of conventional and nonconventional introns in Euglena gracilis

Published 13th June, 2024


Related Studies

2) Spliceosome structure and function.


3) How Is Precursor Messenger RNA Spliced by the Spliceosome?


5) Characterization of trans-splicing in Euglenoids.

Journal: Current genetics, Issue: Vol 37, Issue 6, Jun 2000

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