Understanding Nickel Balance in Microorganisms Through Genomic Analysis

Greg Howard
16th July, 2024

Understanding Nickel Balance in Microorganisms Through Genomic Analysis

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study by the University of Antwerp focused on cable bacteria found in marine and freshwater sediments
  • Cable bacteria use unique conductive fibres containing a novel nickel cofactor for long-distance electron transport
  • Researchers identified specific genes in cable bacteria that help them efficiently import, store, and utilize nickel
Cable bacteria, members of the Desulfobulbaceae family, have garnered significant scientific interest due to their unique ability to conduct electron transport over centimetre-scale distances in both marine and freshwater sediments. This capability is facilitated by a network of parallel conductive fibres embedded in the cell envelope, allowing efficient electrical current transport along the length of the bacteria's filament[1]. Recent research conducted by the University of Antwerp delves into the molecular mechanisms behind this electron transport, revealing a novel nickel-containing cofactor within the metalloproteins that constitute these conductive fibres. Prior studies have documented the presence and functionality of cable bacteria in various sediment environments. For instance, cable bacteria have been shown to mediate electron transfer between vertically separated anodic and cathodic reactions in marine sediments, impacting sulfur cycling[2]. Moreover, their presence has been confirmed in freshwater environments, broadening the scope of their ecological significance[3]. These bacteria facilitate the oxidation of sulfide in deeper anoxic layers, which is electrically coupled to oxygen reduction at the sediment surface, thus playing a crucial role in sediment biogeochemistry[4]. The current study expands on these findings by focusing on the genetic and biochemical adaptations of cable bacteria to their unique electron transport mechanism. Through comprehensive comparative genomic analysis, researchers have identified genes linked to nickel homeostasis in cable bacteria. This adaptation is crucial, given the discovery of a novel nickel-dependent conduction mechanism in these organisms. The presence of metalloproteins with a nickel-containing cofactor suggests that nickel is essential for the biosynthesis of the conductive fibres in cable bacteria. The study involved comparing the genome-encoded adaptation to nickel in cable bacteria with related members of the Desulfobulbaceae family and other members of the Desulfobulbales order. This comparative analysis revealed a significant enrichment of genes associated with nickel uptake, storage, and utilization in cable bacteria, highlighting their evolutionary adaptation to efficiently harness this metal for electron transport. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the biochemical and genetic underpinnings of long-distance electron transport in cable bacteria. The identification of a nickel-containing cofactor in the conductive fibres marks a significant advancement in our knowledge of biological electron transport mechanisms. This discovery not only underscores the ecological importance of cable bacteria in sediment biogeochemistry but also opens new avenues for biotechnological applications, such as bioelectronic devices. In summary, the study by the University of Antwerp elucidates the critical role of nickel in the unique electron transport system of cable bacteria. By uncovering the genetic adaptations that enable these bacteria to efficiently utilize nickel, the research offers valuable insights into the evolutionary biology of the Desulfobulbaceae family and their ecological impact on sediment environments. This work builds on previous studies that have highlighted the significance of cable bacteria in both marine and freshwater sediments, further cementing their role as key players in biogeochemical cycling.

GeneticsBiochemMarine Biology


Main Study

1) Comparative genomic analysis of nickel homeostasis in cable bacteria

Published 15th July, 2024


Related Studies

2) Natural occurrence of microbial sulphur oxidation by long-range electron transport in the seafloor.


3) Cable Bacteria in Freshwater Sediments.


4) Filamentous bacteria transport electrons over centimetre distances.


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