Melatonin and H2S Reduce Salt Stress in Summer Savory by Enhancing Plant Health

Jim Crocker
16th July, 2024

Melatonin and H2S Reduce Salt Stress in Summer Savory by Enhancing Plant Health

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • This study from King Khalid University found that salinity stress harms summer savory plants by disrupting nitrogen metabolism and reducing photosynthetic pigments
  • Melatonin (ML) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) treatments improved the plants' antioxidant defenses, reducing oxidative damage from salinity
  • ML and H2S treatments also enhanced potassium uptake and nitrogen metabolism, helping the plants maintain essential functions and growth under saline conditions
Salinity is a major challenge for sustainable agriculture, affecting plant growth and productivity by disturbing physiological, biochemical, and molecular functions[2]. This study from King Khalid University investigates the role of melatonin (ML) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in enhancing the biochemical defense responses and secondary metabolite synthesis in summer savory plants under saline conditions[1]. Salinity stress, induced by NaCl treatment, disrupts nitrogen metabolism, leads to oxidative stress, and reduces photosynthetic pigments, ultimately hindering plant growth. Moreover, it alters the composition of essential oils, decreasing compounds like γ-terpinene, α-terpinene, and p-cymene, while increasing carvacrol. These changes underscore the detrimental effects of salinity on plant health and essential oil quality. Melatonin and hydrogen sulfide are known for their roles in mitigating abiotic stresses in plants[3]. This study explores their combined effect on summer savory plants under salinity stress. The researchers found that ML and ML + H2S treatments enhanced the activity of antioxidant enzymes and increased the levels of total phenols and flavonoids. This led to a reduction in hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion levels, thereby alleviating oxidative damage caused by salinity. Antioxidant defense is crucial for plant tolerance to various stresses, including salinity. Previous studies have highlighted the importance of the antioxidant machinery in combating oxidative stress under salt conditions[2][4]. The current research supports these findings by demonstrating that ML and ML + H2S treatments bolster the antioxidant defense system, thus protecting the plants from NaCl-induced oxidative stress. Furthermore, ML and ML + H2S treatments improved potassium uptake and restored K/Na homeostasis, which is vital for maintaining cellular functions and protecting the photosynthetic apparatus from NaCl-induced toxicity. This aligns with earlier findings that emphasize the role of ion homeostasis in salinity tolerance[2]. The study also revealed that ML and ML + H2S treatments stimulated nitrogen metabolism, improving nitrate/ammonium homeostasis. This enhancement in nitrogen metabolism is essential for plant growth and development under stress conditions. Previous research has shown that salinity disrupts nitrogen metabolism, leading to reduced plant growth and productivity[2]. The current study provides evidence that ML and ML + H2S treatments can counteract these negative effects by promoting nitrogen metabolism. Additionally, the ML and ML + H2S treatments altered the composition of essential oils in summer savory plants under saline conditions. There was an increase in monoterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes, which are important for the plant's aroma and potential therapeutic properties. This finding suggests that ML and H2S not only enhance plant tolerance to salinity but also improve the quality of essential oils, which has significant implications for the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries. The use of an H2S scavenger, hypotaurine, inhibited the protective effects of ML and ML + H2S treatments, confirming the role of H2S as a signaling molecule in the defense pathway induced by ML. This highlights the importance of the interplay between ML and H2S in enhancing plant resilience to salinity stress. In conclusion, this study from King Khalid University demonstrates that the combined application of melatonin and hydrogen sulfide enhances the biochemical defense responses and secondary metabolite synthesis in summer savory plants under salinity stress. By improving antioxidant activity, ion homeostasis, and nitrogen metabolism, ML and H2S treatments mitigate the adverse effects of salinity, offering a promising strategy for enhancing plant tolerance to saline conditions.

MedicineBiochemPlant Science


Main Study

1) Interaction of melatonin and H2S mitigates NaCl toxicity summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) through Modulation of biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and physio-biochemical attributes.

Published 15th July, 2024

Related Studies

2) Salinity induced physiological and biochemical changes in plants: An omic approach towards salt stress tolerance.

3) Melatonin Rescues Photosynthesis and Triggers Antioxidant Defense Response in Cucumis sativus Plants Challenged by Low Temperature and High Humidity.

4) Antioxidative defense under salt stress.

Journal: Plant signaling & behavior, Issue: Vol 5, Issue 4, Apr 2010

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