Understanding How Tomatoes Resist Cold at Different Growth Stages

Jenn Hoskins
6th September, 2024

Understanding How Tomatoes Resist Cold at Different Growth Stages

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study by the Volcani Institute focused on understanding cold tolerance in tomatoes to reduce losses during cultivation and storage
  • Researchers identified specific genes and biochemical markers linked to cold tolerance by analyzing RNA transcripts in both chilling-tolerant and chilling-sensitive tomato lines
  • Findings suggest that selecting for cold tolerance traits early in plant development can lead to tomato varieties with better postharvest chilling tolerance
The cultivated tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, suffers significant losses due to cold stress (CS) during both cultivation and postharvest storage. This issue is particularly problematic as it affects the quality and shelf life of the fruit, leading to economic losses. A recent study conducted by the Volcani Institute, Agricultural Research Organization, sheds light on the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying cold tolerance in tomatoes, offering potential solutions to mitigate these losses[1]. The study focused on a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between a chilling-sensitive tomato line and a chilling-tolerant accession of the wild species Solanum pimpinellifolium. This wild species is known for its desirable traits, including disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance[2]. By investigating the molecular and biochemical components associated with chilling tolerance, the researchers aimed to identify specific genes and biochemical markers that could predict cold tolerance in tomatoes. To achieve this, the researchers conducted transcriptomic analyses on fruit exposed to cold stress. Transcriptomics is the study of the complete set of RNA transcripts produced by the genome under specific circumstances. The gene expressions and biochemical components were measured in both fruit and leaves from the chilling-tolerant and chilling-sensitive RI lines. The analyses revealed core responding genes that were differentially regulated in both leaves and fruit within each group. This indicates that the same genetic factors may mediate the tomato's response to cold stress at different developmental stages, from seedlings to postharvest fruit. One of the key findings of the study is that genetic selection for cold tolerance during the early stages of plant development could lead to tomato lines with greater postharvest fruit chilling tolerance. This is significant because it suggests that breeding programs can focus on early-stage cold tolerance traits to develop more robust tomato varieties. The study also ties into previous research on postharvest chilling injury (PCI) in fruits and vegetables from tropical and subtropical regions. PCI can lead to economic and postharvest loss and waste, as low temperatures used to pause physiological processes may accelerate spoilage upon rewarming[3]. By identifying specific genes associated with cold tolerance, the new study provides a molecular basis for developing strategies to mitigate PCI in tomatoes. Furthermore, the study aligns with earlier findings on the role of cell membranes and phospholipases in plant stress responses. Phospholipases hydrolyze membrane lipids to generate various cellular mediators that act as second messengers in signal transduction during stress responses[4]. The identification of core responding genes in the current study suggests that similar molecular pathways may be involved in cold stress tolerance, further emphasizing the importance of membrane-related processes in plant stress responses. In conclusion, the research conducted by the Volcani Institute provides valuable insights into the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying cold tolerance in tomatoes. By identifying specific genes and biochemical markers, the study offers potential strategies for breeding cold-tolerant tomato varieties, which could significantly reduce losses during cultivation and postharvest storage. This work not only builds on previous findings but also opens new avenues for improving the resilience of tomatoes to cold stress.

VegetablesBiochemPlant Science


Main Study

1) Molecular and biochemical components associated with chilling tolerance in tomato: comparison of different developmental stages.

Published 5th September, 2024


Related Studies

2) A new genetic linkage map of tomato based on a Solanum lycopersicum x S. pimpinellifolium RIL population displaying locations of candidate pathogen response genes.


3) Dissecting postharvest chilling injury through biotechnology.


4) The functions of phospholipases and their hydrolysis products in plant growth, development and stress responses.


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