Drinking Cooked Green Banana Drink Lowers Blood Sugar in Healthy Women

Greg Howard
2nd July, 2024

Drinking Cooked Green Banana Drink Lowers Blood Sugar in Healthy Women

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study from the State University of Rio de Janeiro compared three banana varieties and focused on cv. Nanicão due to its higher resistant starch (RS) and dietary fiber content
  • Consuming a beverage made from cooked green banana pulp (GBPd) significantly reduced plasma glucose levels by 15% after 2 hours compared to a glucose solution alone
  • No significant changes were observed in hunger/satiety sensation or in the levels of appetite-regulating hormones GIP and PYY after GBPd intake
The State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) recently conducted a study[1] comparing the carbohydrate composition of three banana varieties (cv. Nanica, Nanicão, and Prata) and investigating the effect of a cooked green banana pulp beverage (GBPd) on plasma glycemic homeostasis indexes and hunger/satiety sensation in ten healthy women. This study aimed to identify a banana variety with potential functional benefits in glycemic control, which could be significant for managing conditions like diabetes and prediabetes. The researchers classified the bananas based on a color scale and measured their fiber, total carbohydrate, and resistant starch (RS) content using validated methods. Among the three varieties, cv. Nanicão was selected for further testing due to its higher RS and dietary fiber content. RS is a type of carbohydrate that resists digestion in the small intestine and reaches the colon intact, where it can act as a prebiotic and modulate glucose metabolism. In the study, participants underwent two stages of testing: first, they consumed a glucose solution, and one week later, they consumed the glucose solution plus GBPd. Blood samples were collected at specified intervals to measure glucose homeostasis indexes and hunger/satiety sensation. The results showed a significant decrease in plasma glucose concentration (-15%, p=0.0232) after 2 hours of GBPd intake compared to the glucose solution alone. However, no significant changes were observed in hunger/satiety sensation or plasma levels of hormones GIP and PYY, which are involved in appetite regulation. These findings suggest that cv. Nanicão has the potential to reduce the glycemic index of a meal, making it a promising functional ingredient for glycemic control. However, the short-term effects on hormones related to satiety and hunger were not significant, indicating the need for further research to understand the long-term impacts and underlying mechanisms. The study aligns with previous research that highlights the importance of dietary interventions in managing glycemic control and metabolic health. For instance, diets with a low glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) have been shown to improve glycemic control, blood lipids, and other cardiometabolic health markers in individuals with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes[2]. The inclusion of high-RS foods like green bananas could potentially enhance these benefits by further modulating glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Moreover, the study's focus on gender-specific responses is crucial, given that insulin resistance and metabolic disorders can manifest differently in men and women. Previous research has shown that elevated plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) levels can induce peripheral tissue insulin resistance, with differing effects observed between men and women[3]. While men showed a significant decrease in insulin-stimulated glucose disposal with elevated NEFA levels, women did not exhibit the same degree of impairment, highlighting the need for gender-specific dietary recommendations and interventions. In summary, the UERJ study adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the role of dietary components like RS in glycemic control. By identifying cv. Nanicão as a banana variety with higher RS and dietary fiber content, the study provides a basis for further research into its long-term effects and potential applications in managing metabolic health. Future studies should continue to explore the gender-specific responses and the broader implications of incorporating high-RS foods into the diet for both men and women.



Main Study

1) Acute Consumption of Cooked Green Banana Pulp Beverage (Musa cavendishii) Decreases Plasma Glucose in Healthy Women: A Cross-Sectional Controlled Study.

Published 1st July, 2024


Related Studies

2) The Health Effects of Low Glycemic Index and Low Glycemic Load Interventions on Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Literature Review of RCTs.


3) Decreased susceptibility to fatty acid-induced peripheral tissue insulin resistance in women.

Journal: Diabetes, Issue: Vol 50, Issue 6, Jun 2001

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