How Good Bacteria Affect Corn Silage Fermentation and Methane Emissions

Jim Crocker
8th August, 2024

How Good Bacteria Affect Corn Silage Fermentation and Methane Emissions

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study by Lanzhou University found that adding bacteriocin-producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains to silage improved its quality and fermentation profiles
  • These strains significantly reduced methane emissions during in vitro rumen fermentation by altering the bacterial community
  • The bacteriocin-producing strains offer a promising alternative to antibiotics, enhancing dairy cow performance and reducing environmental impact
Silage, a key component in dairy cattle diets, plays a crucial role in providing essential nutrients like energy and digestible fiber. However, the use of antibiotics and methane emissions are significant challenges in achieving sustainable and environmentally friendly ruminant production systems. A recent study by Lanzhou University[1] explores the potential of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria as an alternative to antibiotics and their impact on methane emissions during rumen fermentation. The study focused on two specific strains of bacteriocin-producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, ATCC14917 and CICC24194. Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides produced by bacteria that can inhibit the growth of harmful pathogens. The research aimed to assess how these strains affect the bacterial community composition and ensiling profiles of whole-plant corn silage, as well as their influence on in vitro rumen fermentation, microbiota, and methane emissions. Methane emissions from ruminants are a major environmental concern, contributing to global warming and representing a significant loss of energy for the animals[2]. Previous studies have shown that various factors, such as the type of feed and the microbial ecosystem in the rumen, can influence methane production[2][3]. By introducing bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria, the researchers hoped to create a more favorable microbial environment that could reduce methane emissions and improve animal productivity. The study found that the inclusion of the two Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains significantly altered the bacterial community composition in the silage. This change in the microbiological conversion process led to improved silage quality, with better fermentation profiles and nutrient recovery. More importantly, when this enhanced silage was used in in vitro rumen fermentation experiments, there was a noticeable reduction in methane emissions. One of the key findings was that these bacteriocin-producing strains could compete with methanogens—microorganisms responsible for methane production in the rumen—by redirecting hydrogen away from methanogenesis[2]. This is crucial because hydrogen is a primary substrate for methanogens, and its diversion can significantly reduce methane production. The study's results align with earlier research suggesting that manipulating the ruminal microbiome can be an effective strategy for methane mitigation[2]. Additionally, the use of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria as an alternative to antibiotics addresses concerns about antibiotic resistance and the potential toxicity of chemical additives[2]. By improving the safety and quality of silage, these bacteria can enhance dairy cow performance and reduce the risk of pathogenic contamination, which is a common issue with poorly managed silage[4]. In summary, the study by Lanzhou University demonstrates that incorporating bacteriocin-producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains into silage can lead to multiple benefits. These include improved silage quality, reduced methane emissions, and a viable alternative to antibiotics in animal husbandry. This research builds on previous findings[2][3][4] and offers a promising approach to making dairy cattle production more sustainable and environmentally friendly.



Main Study

1) Effects of bacteriocin-producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum on bacterial community and fermentation profile of whole-plant corn silage and its in vitro ruminal fermentation, microbiota, and CH4 emissions

Published 7th August, 2024

Related Studies

2) Ruminal methane production: Associated microorganisms and the potential of applying hydrogen-utilizing bacteria for mitigation.

3) Methane emissions from cattle.

Journal: Journal of animal science, Issue: Vol 73, Issue 8, Aug 1995

4) Silage review: Foodborne pathogens in silage and their mitigation by silage additives.

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