How to Keep Golden Delicious Apples Fresh with Special Treatments and Packaging

Jenn Hoskins
17th September, 2024

How to Keep Golden Delicious Apples Fresh with Special Treatments and Packaging

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study by SKUAST Kashmir examined how different packaging materials and ethylene scrubbers affect the shelf life of Golden Delicious apples under ambient storage conditions
  • Apples treated with 1-MCP and shrink-wrapped maintained higher firmness, juice yield, and had lower rot incidence and weight loss compared to other treatments
  • The combination of 1-MCP and shrink-wrap packaging effectively preserved the quality attributes of apples over 160 days, offering a practical solution for extending shelf life
The preservation of fruit quality during storage is a critical aspect of post-harvest management, particularly for perishable items like apples. This study, conducted by Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST) Kashmir, investigates how different packaging materials combined with ethylene scrubbers affect the shelf life of Golden Delicious apples under ambient storage conditions[1]. The research fills a gap by evaluating the combined effects of packaging and ethylene inhibitors over an extended period of 160 days. Previous studies have shown that the extension of commercial life and reduction of postharvest losses of fruits often rely on low-temperature storage, sometimes combined with modified or controlled atmospheres to slow metabolism and delay ripening[2]. However, these methods can be limited by the onset of physiological disorders like chilling injuries. Another study highlighted that maintaining a constant temperature during storage can enhance antioxidant capacity and energy metabolism, significantly affecting fruit quality[3]. Furthermore, research on apple varieties has identified that post-harvest fruit softening is linked to respiration intensity, ethylene production, and enzyme activity[4]. This new study builds on these findings by examining how packaging and ethylene inhibitors can work together to improve storage outcomes. The study explored three types of packaging materials: wooden boxes, corrugated fiber boxes, and shrink-wrapped boxes. These were combined with two ethylene scrubbers: 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and potassium permanganate (KMnO4). Ethylene is a plant hormone that accelerates ripening and senescence, and its inhibition is crucial for extending fruit shelf life. While 1-MCP binds to ethylene receptors to inhibit its action, KMnO4 absorbs ethylene gas. The findings revealed that 1-MCP-treated apples, especially when shrink-wrapped, maintained higher firmness and juice yield, with significantly lower rot incidence and physiological loss in weight (PLW) compared to KMnO4-treated and control apples. This aligns with earlier research showing that 1-MCP can delay ripening by inhibiting ethylene perception[5]. Additionally, the study noted that while acidity and juice content naturally declined over time, and total soluble solids (TSS) initially increased before decreasing, 1-MCP-treated apples exhibited more stable quality attributes. The slower decline in organoleptic quality (taste, color, texture) with 1-MCP and shrink-wrap packaging further supports the effectiveness of this combined approach. The study's methodology involved storing the apples under ambient conditions, which are typically more challenging for shelf life extension compared to controlled environments. Over the 160-day period, various quality parameters were measured, including firmness, juice yield, rot incidence, PLW, acidity, and TSS. The results demonstrated that the combination of 1-MCP treatment and shrink-wrap packaging most effectively preserved these quality attributes. In conclusion, this research provides a novel framework for improving post-harvest management of Golden Delicious apples, particularly under ambient storage conditions. By integrating the use of 1-MCP with shrink-wrap packaging, the study offers a practical solution for extending shelf life and maintaining fruit quality. This approach could be particularly beneficial for regions where controlled storage environments are not feasible, thereby contributing to a more sustainable global food supply.



Main Study

1) Effect of 1-MCP and KMnO4 treatments with different packaging on quality preservation of golden delicious apples.

Published 30th October, 2024 (future Journal edition)

Related Studies

2) Primary Metabolism in Fresh Fruits During Storage.

3) Isothermal Storage Delays the Senescence of Post-Harvest Apple Fruit through the Regulation of Antioxidant Activity and Energy Metabolism.

4) Comparison of Fruit Texture and Storage Quality of Four Apple Varieties.

5) Influence of the ethylene-related signal-inhibiting octapeptide NOP-1 on postharvest ripening and quality of 'Golden Delicious' apples.

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