New Discovery in Peppermint for Boosting Essential Oil Quality

Jenn Hoskins
29th July, 2024

New Discovery in Peppermint for Boosting Essential Oil Quality

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study focused on increasing the production of viridiflorol, a valuable compound in Mentha piperita L. (peppermint), using biotechnological methods
  • Researchers identified and overexpressed the enzyme MpTPS4, which exclusively synthesizes viridiflorol, leading to a 9-25% increase in its content in the plant
  • Increased viridiflorol production was shown to enhance the plant's defense against the herbivore Helicoverpa armigera, demonstrating its potential for pest management
The recent study conducted by the CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants[1] addresses the challenge of low concentrations of viridiflorol, a highly valuable sesquiterpene found in various Mentha species. Viridiflorol is of significant interest due to its potential applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries. The study focused on enhancing the production of viridiflorol using biotechnological strategies, which could have substantial economic benefits. Mentha piperita L. (peppermint) is known for its rich array of bioactive compounds, including terpenoids, which have various medicinal properties[2]. The research zeroed in on Mentha piperita L. sesquiterpene synthase (MpTPS4), a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of viridiflorol. Through biochemical characterization, the researchers confirmed that MpTPS4 exclusively synthesizes viridiflorol. To boost viridiflorol production, the researchers overexpressed MpTPS4 in Mentha ×piperita L. using a glandular trichome-specific promoter. Glandular trichomes are specialized structures on the leaves of plants where the synthesis of essential oils occurs[3]. The study found that overexpressing MpTPS4 led to a notable increase (9-25%) in viridiflorol content in the plant. This is a significant finding as it shows the potential for genetic engineering to enhance the production of valuable compounds in plants. The practical applications of increased viridiflorol production were also explored. The study investigated the role of viridiflorol as a deterrent against the herbivore Helicoverpa armigera. This insect is a common pest that affects a wide range of crops. By using RNA interference (RNAi) to knock down MpTPS4, the researchers observed a significant reduction in viridiflorol levels in the essential oil. This reduction correlated with increased susceptibility of the plants to herbivore attack, highlighting the importance of MpTPS4 in plant defense. The research ties together earlier findings related to the biosynthesis of terpenoids and their applications. For instance, the study builds on previous knowledge that volatile isoprenoids, such as viridiflorol, have roles in plant defense mechanisms and can be exploited for biotechnological applications[4]. Additionally, the modular architecture of terpenoid biosynthesis makes it particularly well-suited for microbial production, offering an alternative sustainable access to these compounds[5]. The study's findings demonstrate the potential of biotechnological approaches to enhance the production of valuable sesquiterpenes like viridiflorol. By understanding the genetic and biochemical pathways involved in terpenoid biosynthesis, researchers can develop strategies to increase the yield of these compounds, benefiting industries that rely on natural products. This research provides valuable insights and opens up new opportunities for the mentha industry, potentially leading to increased export revenue and broader applications in pharmaceuticals and pest management.

BiotechBiochemPlant Science


Main Study

1) Characterization of a novel cytosolic sesquiterpene synthase MpTPS4 from Mentha ×piperita as a bioresource for the enrichment of invaluable viridiflorol in mentha essential oil.

Published 26th July, 2024

Related Studies

2) Mentha: A genus rich in vital nutra-pharmaceuticals-A review.

3) Developmental regulation of monoterpene biosynthesis in the glandular trichomes of peppermint.

Journal: Plant physiology, Issue: Vol 122, Issue 1, Jan 2000

4) Metabolic engineering of volatile isoprenoids in plants and microbes.

5) Microbial Cell Factories for the Production of Terpenoid Flavor and Fragrance Compounds.

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