Understanding the SWEET Genes in Daylilies and How They Help with Salt Stress

Greg Howard
12th July, 2024

Understanding the SWEET Genes in Daylilies and How They Help with Salt Stress

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • Researchers at Shanxi Agricultural University studied the SWEET gene family in Hemerocallis citrina, identifying 19 HcSWEET genes
  • These genes are involved in sugar transport, crucial for plant growth, development, and stress response
  • HcSWEET4a was found to be significantly up-regulated under salt stress, suggesting its key role in salt stress resistance
The study of sugar transporters in plants has garnered significant interest due to their crucial roles in plant growth, development, and stress response. Recently, researchers at Shanxi Agricultural University conducted a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis on the SWEET gene family in Hemerocallis citrina, a plant species whose SWEET genes were previously uncharacterized[1]. This study identified 19 HcSWEET genes, revealing their diverse physiological roles and laying the groundwork for further functional analysis. SWEET (Sugars Will Eventually be Effluxed Transporters) genes are known to regulate the transport of sugars across cell membranes, a process vital for various biological functions. Earlier studies have demonstrated the importance of SWEET genes in different plant species. For instance, SWEET transporters in Arabidopsis and rice have been linked to glucose transport, pollen viability, and pathogen interactions[2]. Similarly, SWEET genes in pomegranate and sorghum have been shown to influence sugar content and distribution in specific tissues, such as leaves and stems, respectively[3][4]. In the current study, the researchers performed a detailed analysis of the physicochemical properties of the identified HcSWEET genes, revealing dominant differences among them. Phylogenetic analysis classified the HcSWEET proteins into four clades, each exhibiting conserved motifs and gene structures. Most HcSWEET genes contained five to six exons and were unevenly distributed across 11 chromosomes. Gene duplication analysis identified four gene pairs, suggesting evolutionary events that may have contributed to the diversification of the SWEET gene family in Hemerocallis citrina. Comparative syntenic maps indicated that the HcSWEET gene family shares closer homology with monocotyledons than dicotyledons. This finding aligns with previous research showing that SWEET genes in different plant species often exhibit tissue-specific expression patterns and evolutionary conservation[3]. The cis-acting element analysis revealed that HcSWEET genes are responsive to various hormones, light, and stresses, indicating their potential roles in adapting to environmental changes. Transcriptome sequencing further highlighted that most HcSWEET genes have higher expression levels in roots, with HcSWEET4a being significantly up-regulated under salt stress. This suggests that HcSWEET4a may play a crucial role in the plant's response to salt stress. Overexpression experiments confirmed this hypothesis, providing novel insights into the functional analysis of HcSWEETs in abiotic stress resistance. The findings from this study are consistent with earlier research on the role of SWEET genes in stress responses. For example, the up-regulation of sugar transporter genes under dehydration stress in grape berries has been linked to changes in primary metabolism, including increased polyol biosynthesis and organic acid degradation[5]. Similarly, the current study's identification of HcSWEET4a's role in salt stress response adds to the growing body of evidence that SWEET genes are integral to plant stress adaptation mechanisms. In conclusion, the research conducted by Shanxi Agricultural University provides a comprehensive characterization of the SWEET gene family in Hemerocallis citrina. By identifying and analyzing 19 HcSWEET genes, the study offers valuable insights into their roles in plant growth, development, and stress response. These findings not only expand our understanding of SWEET genes in monocotyledons but also pave the way for future research on their functional roles in abiotic stress resistance.

GeneticsBiochemPlant Science


Main Study

1) Genome-wide analysis of the SWEET gene family in Hemerocallis citrina and functional characterization of HcSWEET4a in response to salt stress

Published 11th July, 2024


Related Studies

2) Sugar transporters for intercellular exchange and nutrition of pathogens.


3) Identification, Analysis and Gene Cloning of the SWEET Gene Family Provide Insights into Sugar Transport in Pomegranate (Punica granatum).


4) The sorghum SWEET gene family: stem sucrose accumulation as revealed through transcriptome profiling.


5) Postharvest dehydration induces variable changes in the primary metabolism of grape berries.


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