Boosting Grape Cell Health: New Technique Enhances Growth and Gene Activity

Jenn Hoskins
12th July, 2024

Boosting Grape Cell Health: New Technique Enhances Growth and Gene Activity

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study by the Centre of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria explored cryopreservation methods for grapevine embryogenic cells
  • Encapsulation/dehydration resulted in higher survival rates (81%, 62%, 48%) compared to encapsulation/vitrification (58%, 42%, 32%)
  • Cryopreservation improved post-thaw recovery and regeneration efficiency, with regrowth rates of 54-72% versus 11-17% in control samples
Cryopreservation is a promising technique for the long-term storage and preservation of embryogenic cells, maintaining their viability and embryogenic capacity over extended periods. Despite its potential, the large-scale conservation of grapevine embryogenic lines in cryobanks is still limited. A recent study conducted by the Centre of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria aims to tackle this issue by exploring the encapsulation/dehydration and encapsulation/vitrification methods for cryopreserving embryogenic material of grapevine[1]. Cryopreservation involves storing biological samples at extremely low temperatures, usually in liquid nitrogen (-196°C), to halt all biological activity and preserve the cells in a state of suspended animation[2]. This technique has been widely used for various plant species, including conifers and fruit trees, but its application to grapevine embryogenic lines has been less widespread. The study focuses on understanding how cryopreservation can rejuvenate somatic cells and enhance their embryogenic competence. The researchers experimented with two cryopreservation methods: encapsulation/dehydration and encapsulation/vitrification. Encapsulation/dehydration involves coating the cells in a protective gel, followed by gradual dehydration before freezing. Encapsulation/vitrification, on the other hand, involves coating the cells in a protective gel and then rapidly cooling them to prevent ice crystal formation. The study found that encapsulation/dehydration resulted in higher survival rates for cryopreserved samples of grapevine cultivars 110-Richter, Riesling, and Tempranillo, with average survival rates of 81%, 62%, and 48%, respectively. In contrast, encapsulation/vitrification yielded lower survival rates, averaging 58%, 42%, and 32%, respectively. These results suggest that the encapsulation/dehydration method is more effective for preserving grapevine embryogenic material. Post-thaw recovery and regeneration efficiency were also significantly improved with cryopreservation. The regrowth of proembryogenic masses and somatic embryo conversion rates reached 54-72% in cryopreserved samples, compared to only 11-17% in control samples. This indicates that cryopreservation not only maintains cell viability but also enhances their ability to regenerate into healthy plants. The study also observed structural changes in the cells after cryopreservation using histology and electron scanning microscopy. These changes are indicative of cell rejuvenation and enhanced embryogenic competence. Additionally, cryopreservation triggered changes in gene expression patterns, with a considerable increase in the expression of genes associated with embryogenic competence (SERK1, BBM, and WOX) and stress response (ChitIV and LEA). The findings align with previous research that highlighted the role of chitinases in plant stress responses. For instance, a study on Vitis vinifera cv. Tempranillo demonstrated that endochitinase VvChit-IV expression increased in response to in vitro stress, suggesting a role in enhancing stress tolerance[3]. Similarly, the current study found that cryopreservation-induced stress led to increased expression of ChitIV, further supporting the idea that stress responses can be harnessed to improve plant resilience. Oxidative stress indicators such as membrane stability index, hydrogen peroxide, and proline contents were measured to understand the cryotolerance mechanism. The study uncovered a key role of an osmotic trans-priming effect, which helps cells withstand the freezing and thawing process by stabilizing their internal environment. This research provides a high-throughput innovation for setting up cryolines for cell rejuvenation in grapevine and potentially other important plant species. By enhancing embryogenic capacity in senescent callus and promoting the recovery of proembryogenic cells, cryopreservation offers a reliable method for the long-term conservation of valuable plant genetic material. The findings from the Centre of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria pave the way for more efficient and large-scale implementation of cryopreservation in grapevine cultivation and other agricultural applications.

GeneticsBiochemPlant Science


Main Study

1) Osmotic priming-induced cryotolerance uncovers rejuvenation of grapevine cell cultures: morphogenetic changes and gene expression pattern highlighting enhanced embryogenic potential.

Published 9th July, 2024

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2) Current status of the cryopreservation of embryogenic material of woody species.

3) Up-regulation of a stress-responsive endochitinase VvChit-IV in grapevine cell cultures improves in vitro stress tolerance.

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