Studying How Plant Extracts Are Processed and Absorbed in the Human Body

Greg Howard
19th August, 2024

Studying How Plant Extracts Are Processed and Absorbed in the Human Body

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • Researchers at the University of Granada studied how bioactive compounds from Hibiscus sabdariffa, Silybum marianum, and Theobroma cacao are absorbed and metabolized in the human body
  • They identified 14, 25, and 3 potential metabolites in plasma samples from volunteers who consumed extracts of these plants, respectively
  • The study highlights the effectiveness of untargeted metabolomics in detecting a wide range of metabolites, providing a comprehensive understanding of bioactive compound metabolism
Understanding how bioactive compounds from plant sources are absorbed, metabolized, and utilized by the human body is crucial for validating their health benefits. Advances in metabolomics have provided new insights into this complex process. A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Granada employs an untargeted metabolomics approach to investigate the bioavailability and metabolism of bioactive compounds from different plant sources[1]. The study aimed to explore the bioavailability and metabolic pathways of compounds derived from three specific plant matrices: Hibiscus sabdariffa (HS), Silybum marianum (SM), and Theobroma cacao (TC). Using high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS), the researchers analyzed plasma samples from volunteers who consumed extracts of these plants. This method allowed for the detection of a wide range of metabolites without prior assumptions about which compounds would be present. The results were promising. The study identified 14, 25, and 3 potential metabolites in plasma samples from volunteers who ingested HS, SM, and TC extracts, respectively. The Tmax values, which indicate the time at which the maximum concentration of a compound is observed in the plasma, were computed for each detected compound. These findings highlight the utility of untargeted metabolomics for comprehensive analysis of bioactive compounds from various plant sources in biological samples. This research builds on previous studies that have investigated the bioavailability and metabolism of dietary phenolic compounds. For instance, earlier studies have shown that phenolic compounds from plant foods undergo extensive modification during their absorption, deposition, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) processes[2]. These compounds are often transformed by the body's detoxification system in the enterocytes (intestinal cells) and liver, which affects their bioefficacy. Additionally, the bioavailability of dietary flavonoids and related compounds, which are a subset of phenolic compounds, has been extensively reviewed. These compounds are absorbed in the small intestine and appear in the circulatory system predominantly as glucuronide, sulfate, and methylated metabolites. However, they are rapidly removed from the bloodstream, making it challenging to quantify their uptake accurately[3]. This study's findings align with the understanding that phenolic compounds are treated as xenobiotics (foreign substances) by the body and are quickly metabolized and excreted. The untargeted metabolomics approach used in the current study offers several advantages over traditional targeted methods. Traditional methods often rely on predefined hypotheses about which metabolites will be present, potentially overlooking novel or unexpected compounds. In contrast, untargeted metabolomics can identify a broader range of metabolites, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the bioavailability and metabolic pathways of bioactive compounds. By identifying a significant number of metabolites associated with the consumption of HS, SM, and TC extracts, this study contributes valuable data to the field. It demonstrates the potential of untargeted metabolomics to enhance our understanding of how bioactive compounds are processed by the body, which is crucial for validating their health benefits and therapeutic potential. In summary, the study conducted by the University of Granada underscores the importance of using advanced metabolomics techniques to explore the bioavailability and metabolism of bioactive compounds from plant sources. This approach not only confirms previous findings about the complex ADME processes of phenolic compounds but also opens new avenues for discovering novel metabolites and understanding their roles in health promotion and disease prevention. The integration of these findings with earlier studies provides a more holistic view of the journey of bioactive compounds from ingestion to excretion, ultimately aiding in the development of more effective dietary interventions and therapeutic strategies.

HealthBiochemPlant Science


Main Study

1) An untargeted metabolomics approach applied to the study of the bioavailability and metabolism of three different bioactive plant extracts in human blood samples.

Published 19th August, 2024

Related Studies

2) Phenolic compounds: their journey after intake.

3) Bioavailability of dietary flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

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