Boosting Immunity with a Mushroom-Based Vaccine Additive

Jenn Hoskins
9th August, 2024

Boosting Immunity with a Mushroom-Based Vaccine Additive

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • Researchers at Hebei Agricultural University developed a new vaccine adjuvant system using a Pickering emulsion with polysaccharide from Poria cocos (PCP) and Alhydrogel particles
  • This new system enhances both humoral and cellular immune responses, crucial for fighting cancers and chronic infectious diseases
  • The PCP-Al-Pickering emulsion adjuvant elicited a balanced Th1 and Th2 immune response, improving upon traditional Alum adjuvants that mainly induce a Th2 response
Vaccines are a cornerstone of public health, saving countless lives by preventing infectious diseases. A crucial component of vaccines is the adjuvant, which enhances the body's immune response to the vaccine. Traditional Alum adjuvants primarily elicit a Th2 humoral immune response, which is effective for many vaccines but falls short in generating a robust Th1 cellular immune response. This cellular response is essential for combating cancers and chronic infectious diseases like HIV and tuberculosis[2][3]. A recent study conducted by Hebei Agricultural University introduces a novel approach to address this limitation by developing a Pickering emulsion delivery system (PCP-Al-Pickering)[1]. This system uses polysaccharide from Poria cocos (PCP) loaded onto Alhydrogel particles as a stabilizer. The study aims to enhance the immune-stimulating effects of PCP and modify the type of immune response elicited by the Alum adjuvant. The study builds on previous findings that PCP can act as an immunologic stimulant, enhancing both humoral and cellular immune responses, but only at high concentrations. The researchers sought to improve this by utilizing a Pickering emulsion, a type of emulsion stabilized by solid particles. This approach not only enhances the immune response but also ensures sustained release of the antigen, which is crucial for a durable immune response[3]. The PCP-Al-Pickering emulsion demonstrated excellent storage stability and effectively adsorbed both PCP and the antigen. This new adjuvant delivery system facilitated antigen uptake by macrophages, increased cell recruitment at injection sites, and improved the activation of dendritic cells in draining lymph nodes. These are all critical steps for initiating a strong immune response. Moreover, the system elicited a potent and durable antibody response and promoted the activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, which are essential for a robust cellular immune response. One of the significant findings of this study is that the PCP-Al-Pickering emulsion adjuvant elicited a balanced Th1 and Th2 immune response. This is a marked improvement over traditional Alum adjuvants, which primarily induce a Th2 response. A balanced Th1 and Th2 response is crucial for effective vaccination against diseases that require both humoral and cellular immunity. The study also ties into the broader context of recent advancements in vaccine adjuvants. For instance, the use of nanotechnology has enabled the design of nanoadjuvants that can precisely tailor the immune response[3]. The PCP-Al-Pickering emulsion can be seen as part of this trend, using nanometer-scale particles to enhance the immune response effectively. Additionally, this study aligns with the emerging understanding that the location and combination of particles in emulsion-based adjuvants can significantly impact the type of immune response elicited[4]. In summary, the PCP-Al-Pickering emulsion developed by Hebei Agricultural University represents a significant advancement in adjuvant technology. By enhancing both humoral and cellular immune responses and eliciting a balanced Th1 and Th2 response, this new adjuvant system holds promise for more effective vaccines against cancers and chronic infectious diseases. This study not only advances our understanding of adjuvant mechanisms but also opens new avenues for the development of next-generation vaccines.



Main Study

1) Poria cocos polysaccharide-loaded Alum Pickering emulsion as vaccine adjuvant to enhance immune responses.

Published 6th August, 2024

Related Studies

2) Emerging concepts in the science of vaccine adjuvants.

3) Tailoring inorganic nanoadjuvants towards next-generation vaccines.

4) Chitosan particle-emulsion complex adjuvants: The effect of particle distribution on the immune intensity and response type.

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