Mapping and Studying Key Genes in Ginkgo's Response to Ethylene

Jim Crocker
28th July, 2024

Mapping and Studying Key Genes in Ginkgo's Response to Ethylene

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • Researchers at Anhui Agricultural University studied ethylene signaling proteins in the gymnosperm Ginkgo biloba
  • They identified 53 EIN3/EIL proteins across various plant species, showing these proteins share a common ancestry
  • One specific Ginkgo protein, Gb_03292, was found to play a crucial role in ethylene signaling and could complement ethylene response in mutant Arabidopsis
Ethylene is a gaseous plant hormone that regulates various growth and developmental processes in plants. Understanding how plants respond to ethylene is crucial for improving agricultural practices and crop yields. The recent study conducted by Anhui Agricultural University has shed light on the ethylene-insensitive3 (EIN3) and EIN3-like (EIL) proteins in the gymnosperm Ginkgo biloba, providing new insights into the conservation and evolution of ethylene signaling across different plant species[1]. Ethylene signaling in plants is a well-studied pathway involving several key components, including EIN3/EIL proteins, which are nuclear-localized proteins with DNA-binding activity[2]. These proteins play a critical role in modulating the expression of downstream genes, such as ethylene-response factors (ERFs), and are essential for integrating ethylene signaling with physiological regulation in plants[3]. Previous studies have identified and characterized the EIN3/EIL gene family in various angiosperm species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, but little was known about these proteins in gymnosperms like Ginkgo biloba[4]. In the recent study, researchers performed a genome-wide comparative analysis of the EIN3/EIL gene family in Ginkgo biloba and compared it with those from bryophytes (Physcomitrella patens), gymnosperms (Cycas panzhihuaensis), and angiosperms (Arabidopsis thaliana, Gossypium raimondii, Gossypium hirsutum, Oryza sativa, and Brachypodium distachyon). They identified 53 EIN3/EIL proteins, including 5 from G. biloba, 2 from P. patens, and 3 from C. panzhihuaensis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that these proteins share a common ancestry, with the specific EIN3_DNA-binding domains being evolutionarily conserved among the 53 EIN3/EILs. The collinearity analysis indicated that whole-genome or segmental duplication and subsequent purifying selection have played a significant role in the generation and evolution of the EIN3/EIL multigene families. This finding aligns with previous studies that have shown the importance of whole genome duplication and tandem duplication events in the expansion of the EIL/EIN3 gene family in Rosaceae species[3]. The strong purifying selection observed in the EIN3/EIL gene family suggests that these proteins have maintained their essential functions across different plant lineages. The researchers further investigated the expression patterns of the five GbEILs at the four developmental stages of Ginkgo ovules. One particular GbEIL gene, Gb_03292, was found to play a significant role in mediating ethylene signaling. Functional analysis demonstrated that Gb_03292 could complement the triple response in an ein3eil1 double mutant Arabidopsis, indicating its involvement in ethylene signal transduction. Additionally, GbEIL likely modulates the expression of a Ginkgo ERF (Gb_15517) by directly binding to its promoter, further supporting its role in ethylene signaling. This study provides valuable insights into the conservation of ethylene signaling across gymnosperms and angiosperms, highlighting the evolutionary significance of EIN3/EIL proteins. The findings suggest that despite considerable divergence in amino acid sequences, the core functions of these proteins have been preserved, allowing them to play a crucial role in ethylene-mediated growth and development. The research conducted by Anhui Agricultural University not only expands our understanding of ethylene signaling in gymnosperms but also provides a foundation for future studies aimed at improving crop growth and yield under various environmental conditions. By elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying ethylene signaling, scientists can develop strategies to manipulate ethylene responses in crops, enhancing their resilience to abiotic stresses and improving agricultural productivity[5].

GeneticsBiochemPlant Science


Main Study

1) Genome-wide identification of the EIN3/EIL gene family in Ginkgo biloba and functional study of a GbEIL in the ethylene signaling pathway.

Published 25th July, 2024

Related Studies

2) Ethylene signaling in plants.

3) Genome-wide analysis suggests high level of microsynteny and purifying selection affect the evolution of EIN3/EIL family in Rosaceae.

4) Temporal transcriptional response to ethylene gas drives growth hormone cross-regulation in Arabidopsis.

5) The Pivotal Role of Ethylene in Plant Growth.

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