How Black Garlic Enhances the Quality of Beef and Pork Jerky

Jim Crocker
7th June, 2024

How Black Garlic Enhances the Quality of Beef and Pork Jerky

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study by the Federal University of Paraiba explored replacing sodium nitrite with black garlic (BG) in jerked beef meat with pork over 60 days
  • BG did not significantly change the meat's nutritional composition, pH, water activity, shear force, or fatty acid profile
  • BG reduced weight loss after centrifugation and affected the meat's lightness and red-green color spectrum
  • BG formulations showed better lipid oxidation control and lower protein oxidation levels compared to the control with sodium nitrite
The Federal University of Paraiba recently conducted a study to evaluate the effects of replacing sodium nitrite with black garlic (BG) as a natural antioxidant in jerked beef meat with pork over a 60-day period[1]. This research addresses the growing consumer concern over synthetic additives in food products and seeks to find natural alternatives that can maintain or improve meat quality and safety. The study prepared four formulations: a control with 0.02% sodium nitrite in brine curing (CON), 1.5% BG in brine curing (ASU), 1.5% BG in dry curing (ASS), and a combination of 1.5% BG in both brine and dry curing (ASUS). Various parameters such as nutritional composition, pH, water activity, shear force, fatty acid profile, color, and oxidative stability were analyzed to assess the impact of BG on meat quality. Results showed that the addition of BG did not significantly affect the nutritional composition, pH, water activity, shear force, or fatty acid profile of the meat. However, BG did lead to lower weight loss after centrifugation and lower values of L* (lightness) and a* (red-green color spectrum), indicating a potential impact on the visual appeal of the meat. A key finding was the lower TBARS (Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances) values from the 30th day of storage in the ASUS formulation, suggesting better lipid oxidation control. Additionally, carbonyl compound levels, which indicate protein oxidation, were consistently lower in the BG formulations compared to the CON formulation. This suggests that BG effectively controls protein oxidation during storage, making it a viable alternative to nitrite for preserving meat quality. This study aligns with earlier findings on the use of natural antioxidants in meat products. For instance, a study on dry-fermented pork sausages demonstrated that replacing nitrite with natural antioxidants like grape seed extract and olive pomace hydroxytyrosol did not compromise the overall aroma profile and acceptability of the product, although some color-related traits were affected[2]. Similarly, research on cooked hams showed that natural antioxidants like essential oils and Rosa canina L. extract could effectively control lipid and protein oxidation over extended storage periods[3]. Both studies highlight the potential of natural antioxidants to replace synthetic additives without negatively impacting meat quality. Furthermore, the use of black garlic as an antioxidant is supported by its known benefits in enhancing gastrointestinal function and antioxidant activity[4]. The water extract of black garlic has been shown to improve gastrointestinal motility and promote defecation, which adds another layer of health benefits to its use in meat products. In conclusion, the Federal University of Paraiba's study demonstrates that black garlic can be an efficient natural alternative to sodium nitrite in jerked beef meat with pork, particularly in controlling protein oxidation and improving oxidative stability. This aligns with the broader trend in the meat industry to seek natural antioxidants that can replace synthetic additives while maintaining or enhancing product quality[5].



Main Study

1) Effect of the addition of black garlic on the quality parameters of jerked beef meat with pork.

Published 5th June, 2024

Related Studies

2) Effect of natural antioxidants from grape seed and chestnut in combination with hydroxytyrosol, as sodium nitrite substitutes in Cinta Senese dry-fermented sausages.

3) The application of natural antioxidants via brine injection protects Iberian cooked hams against lipid and protein oxidation.

4) Extracts of black garlic exhibits gastrointestinal motility effect.

5) Natural antioxidants in processing and storage stability of sheep and goat meat products.

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