Endosulfan Causes Reproductive and Genetic Damage in Male and Female Mice

Greg Howard
23rd May, 2024

Endosulfan Causes Reproductive and Genetic Damage in Male and Female Mice

Image Source: Natural Science News, 2024

Key Findings

  • The study by Mahavir Cancer Sansthan investigated the effects of endosulfan on Swiss albino mice
  • Endosulfan caused significant degeneration in the reproductive tissues of both male and female mice
  • The study found genetic abnormalities and hormonal imbalances, indicating potential reproductive health risks
Pesticide toxicity is an escalating global health concern, particularly affecting rural populations who are exposed through various routes such as skin contact, inhalation, and ingestion. A recent study conducted by Mahavir Cancer Sansthan investigated the toxic effects of endosulfan, a widely used pesticide, on Swiss albino mice to understand its potential impact on human health[1]. Endosulfan's adverse effects are well-documented. Earlier studies have shown that pesticides, while indispensable for agricultural productivity, can have severe environmental and health impacts[2]. Endosulfan, in particular, has been absorbed by humans and animals through multiple pathways, leading to oxidative stress and cardiotoxicity in rats[3]. The new study by Mahavir Cancer Sansthan builds on these findings by focusing specifically on the genotoxic effects of endosulfan on reproductive tissues and blood in both male and female mice. In this study, 60 Swiss albino mice (30 males and 30 females) were administered endosulfan orally at a dose of 3.5 mg/kg body weight daily for periods of 3, 5, and 7 weeks. Post-treatment, the mice were sacrificed to examine the degeneration of ovary and testis tissues. Blood samples were also collected for karyotyping and biochemical and hormonal analysis to assess pesticide-induced genotoxicity. The results revealed significant abnormalities in both male and female mice after 7 weeks of endosulfan administration. This aligns with previous findings that pesticides can cause severe oxidative stress and tissue damage[3]. The degeneration of reproductive tissues observed in this study underscores the potential for pesticides like endosulfan to disrupt reproductive health, which could have broader implications for population health, given the critical role of reproduction in species survival. Additionally, the biochemical and hormonal analyses indicated genotoxic effects, which are consistent with earlier studies on Y chromosome microdeletions in infertile men[4]. These microdeletions, particularly in the AZF regions of the Y chromosome, have been linked to conditions such as azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia. The findings from the Mahavir Cancer Sansthan study suggest that endosulfan may contribute to similar genetic disruptions, further emphasizing the need for caution in pesticide use. The study's methodology involved oral gavage administration of endosulfan, a common method for studying oral toxicity. The use of Swiss albino mice is standard in toxicology due to their well-documented genetic background and susceptibility to various toxins, making them a reliable model for human health implications. In conclusion, the study from Mahavir Cancer Sansthan provides critical insights into the genotoxic effects of endosulfan, highlighting significant reproductive tissue degeneration and genetic abnormalities in mice. These findings, supported by earlier research on pesticide toxicity and genetic disruptions, underscore the urgent need for stringent regulations and safer pesticide alternatives to protect human health and the environment.

HealthBiochemAnimal Science


Main Study

1) Endosulfan induces reproductive & genotoxic effect in male and female Swiss albino mice

Published 22nd May, 2024


Related Studies

2) Agriculture Development, Pesticide Application and Its Impact on the Environment.


3) Endosulfan-induced cardiotoxicity and free radical metabolism in rats: the protective effect of vitamin E.

Journal: Toxicology, Issue: Vol 202, Issue 3, Oct 2004

4) Analysis of Y chromosome microdeletion in 1738 infertile men from northeastern China.


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